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How to Encourage Young People to Read Educational Books

As a child I remember how much I used to love reading fiction books and detesting non-fiction books. No matter how many encyclopaedia and education books my parents had bought for me, I would always have a strong desire to read my fantasy fairytale books. There was something magical about immersing oneself into the creative world of the author and sharing their imaginative made up story. This for me was escapism, before the age of games consoles and online RPGs.However, nothing is more important than getting your children into the habit of reading education books, not simply as a short researching tool or quick resource book that they can look up. Education books do much more than simply aid a person when researching a topic for a project or assignment. Many people will agree that we all prefer to read up on the subjects that take our interest, but for those subjects we care very little about we avoid.Books that are boring to children will not inspire them to read. In a recent study involving the observation of school children being instructed to spend a set amount of time quietly reading, most of the children reacted with a few moans and groans, and whispering amongst them instead of reading. This study showed the lack of motivation for reading, making the task almost pointless and less effective. The problem is the lack of motivation to read, resulting in a lot of children feeling bored. The trick is to entice or introduce the children to the books in an interesting way.There are ways in which children can be encouraged to read education books through some simple and methodical approaches. These approaches are much more practical and involve some work on the parent or teacher. These guidelines are based on what has worked for past individuals who have successfully been able to regain interest into their children for reading non-fiction and education books. The method is not an easier approach, but will nonetheless involve plenty of interaction.The first thing to do is to engage some excitement in the exercise you are about to undertake. If you want the children to take an interest in history, it might be work taking a field trip to the local history museum or going on an excursion to look at some historical and monumental buildings. This will require some preparation and planning, as well researching in your part to make this work. Be sure to take some pencils, pens and sketch pads so that when you take the children out they can be creative in what they had seen. Speak to them about the buildings and give them some insightful information about the place you are visiting.The next thing to do is to point out how you found the information out, through reading. You can demonstrate your passion for reading by introducing them to the books that you sourced the information from. The trip will have raised some questions from the children and in turn they will want to find out more. If they see you reading they will want to do the same thing.An important step to take is to read aloud to your children, even if it is an education book about Ancient Rome. As long as they can understand what is being read to them, keeping them engaged by changing the tone of your voice and being animated in the way you deliver the words will help them to continue learning and further give them some encouragement to continue reading on the own accord.You can then work with your child or with a class of children to make a collection of information. For instance if the aim was to have your child develop an interest and understanding on Roman history then they can perhaps draw pictures of the Roman period, costumes, equipments etc. This can be compiled together to produce a work book or project folder that they can refer back to when they like. The main method of succeeding in this is to keep it fun yet insightful.For classroom activities, teachers can refer back to the subject at the end of the month and distribute activity sheets, assign each student to write an article complete with an image or take a trip to the same location and a different one relating to the topic you had studied previously, where you can test their knowledge. Taking trips to the library at the end of each month will keep their exposure to reading and books consistent.

Intown Atlanta – Buyer’s Market

As real estate markets fluctuate around the country home buyers are seeking areas where the market is stable and favors the buying of homes. Occasionally they find an area that is hot for a few weeks but these spurts generally do not last very long. Sellers are likewise wondering if their area is going to pick up and see a shorter average listing time from open until sale. Intown Atlanta is a market to watch currently as there is quite a bit of action happening in this area. In fact Atlanta is showing definite signs of developing into a buyer’s market and there are some great deals to be had on beautiful homes.

Buyer’s markets are simply the best time possible to purchase a home. Atlanta’s current market is running somewhere around 5 available houses for each buyer that is out there so as you can well imagine there is some really attractive pricing happening here in order to garner the attention of buyers. So what can you do to get yourself ready for buying in a buyer’s market? The best thing to do is to be ready to react quickly. Homes can move pretty fast in a buyer’s market so you need to be ready to move at short notice. This will of course mean that your finances should be pre-arranged and pre-approved so that when the home you love comes available you can make a move on it.

The home buying climate is not the only attractive thing about Intown Atlanta, For years Atlanta has been one of the most lively southern cities and along with Miami, Dallas and Houston is a driving force in the “New South.” Atlanta is a growing city that is constantly adding new amenities and recreation facilities for the new residents that have flocked to this area over the past decade. Atlanta has dealt well with this influx in stride, providing excellent public services and employment opportunities with such notable companies as Coca-Cola, Home Depot, UPS and Cingular Wireless calling Atlanta home for their headquarters. Atlanta is a growing city with a lot to offer. With the current state of the real estate market it makes sense to check Atlanta out if you are seeking an area for a new home.